I had a little mishap on Saturday. I was showing off my balancing skills to my grandchildren and fell off the barrel. We actually caught it on video. Since we were going to Ron's in-laws on Sunday, and his father-in-law is a recently retired orthopedic surgeon, it seemed worth while waiting to see him. He touched the foot in various places to see where it hurt and there is probably a small bone that is broken. I could wear a hard shoe and it would probably be better in two weeks, or I could have surgery, put a pin in and it would be better in a month. I opted for choice 1. We agree that we spent the Jewish New Year at their house, they will spend the Christian New Year at ours.
While at dinner, we got a call from the van driver that he might be there Thursday. Wait a minute! We weren't planning on arriving until Friday. So we leave Monday after morning services. We stop at a drug store to get me clip on sunglasses and are on our way at 1:20.
We head south on 55 before turning west on 74 to meet up again with interstate 80. There's another wind farm ten miles out of Bloomington. We start to listen to a book. Mel bought 50 Shades of Grey. I had tried to warn him. It lasted 10 minutes.
3:00 and I start driving and hit a downpour. It lasts about 1/2 hour then remains cloudy. The first bad weather we have hit. At 4:30 we pass the exit that would lead to Cedar Rapids, about 1/2 hour north. I spent two weeks a month there in 2003 on a big conversion project and met some really nice people. I had been hoping to have lunch with one but the change in timing eliminated that.
5:15 we change drivers and try 50 Shades again. This time it lasts 45 minutes. The reader is not very good. You can't tell who is speaking, or even if she is just thinking.
We pass through Des Moines at about 6:30 and there is no traffic. Isn't it rush hour?
At 7:30 we are treated to another beautiful sunset with more wind farms as a back drop. Out here the wind farms look really lovely.
7:45 and we reach the half way point of our journey. The tripometer says we have gone 1336 miles and the nav system says we have 1336 to go.
We get to Council Bluffs and decide to call it a day. I find a steak restaurant on the Internet. It has to be steak out here. We eat at Jack Binions in the Horseshoe casino. We didn't know there were casinos here. It even has table games. We had a delicious stak dinner and then Mel played one hand of blackjack. He won and we left.
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